Unique Architecture – Unique Agent

Unique Agent

I’m that one in a million, unique agent who will actually tell you:

“this house is not your best investment option and here’s why…”


“the seller’s agent offered me an additional 1/2% on my commission to convince you to write a full price offer” (a.k.a. I’ve been offered a bribe to put the sellers’ interests and my own ahead of yours -my clients.)

My clients should feel that I helped them buy their home, not that I sold them a house.

You hire an “agent” because you want to be well advised and protected. Unfortunately, in real estate today, agents work to protect the “transaction.” Most “agents” in Colorado work as Transaction Brokers which relieves them of almost all fiduciary responsibilities to their clients. (Of course they still charge hefty old school commissions for a fraction of the work.)

All Realtors are not the same. While most brokers spend time and money honing their sales techniques and how to overcome your objections (that voice in your head that says “this doesn’t seem right”) I am researching homes, architects, financing, lenders, neighborhoods, builders and market trends.

Please contact me for an interview when you’re ready to purchase your next home.

Email: info@5280mod.com

Cell: 303.884.4016

https://www.5280mod.com (Subscribe to receive updates on new Modern home listings)

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